How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game Of Being A Results-Maker

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to talk about how to get [ __ ] done the inner game of creating results one thing that I notice looking at people around me is that generally speaking people are really bad at generating results and this is very important if you want to self-actualize you need to become a results maker I don't know if you realize this if you've noticed but the world runs on results right whether it's business or money or career or fitness or even your internal mood all that stuff is a result everything that you're looking for in life is a result so if you can't do this if you're not a results maker and you don't have this in your pedigree to be able to go out there and achieve extraordinary results uncommon results then basically you're [ __ ] in life you see this see how this is a very fundamental problem and then most people who are having problems in life like getting their finances together or getting the relationship together or getting whatever other facet of their life together it's because they're poor results makers it's not because they suck in that one particular facet although that can certainly be the case but it's more general than that it's like you're sad at making results happen you're not a results maker and you want this kind of pedigree so that you can say to yourself you know I've made big results happen in the past whether it was my relationship or with my internal mood with my finances or with whatever and that I can trust myself to make big results happen in the future this is like an attitude thing it's an attitude you take towards life so what I want to talk about here is I want to give you a little bit of deeper understanding of the mindsets and attitudes that a results maker takes towards life why this is important and then I want to give you a very juicy list of ways that you can adopt some of these results maker 9 sets can it give you a whole nice juicy list so when we talk about self actualizing when we talk about living up to your full potential do you realize what that actually entails that entails getting results not just dreams and ideas and theories cuz yeah those things are nice and you could argue that everything starts as a dream at first but the problems that many people just get lost in the dreams and the theories and the ideas and then they talk a lot of [ __ ] about what they're going to do with their life how they're going to change it or what they're going to create for themselves or how they're going to lose some weight or go get married or whatever but then all that talk and all those dreams they don't mean [ __ ] unless you know how to translate them into the real world and that's an ability that's something you train yourself to do and what's interesting is that modern-day society in a sense makes it easy for us to lose sight of results because what you can do is you can just kind of go with the flow of society and you can just go get your standard nine-to-five jobs some basic career just kind of work that and live and survive you can even maybe thrive in that kind of environment because life's pretty easy these days it's not like it was ten thousand years ago think about what it was like ten thousand years ago ten thousand years ago you couldn't just plug yourself into the system ten thousand years ago it was like create results or die and a good way to prove this to yourself is uh try just going on a camping trip for a couple of weeks maybe for a whole month or at least do this in your mind if you're not gonna do it in practice do it in your mind right now imagine you go on a camping trip and it's just you you and nobody else no one to help you you don't have any food with you all you have is a tent a knife and a gun that's all you get maybe you got a canteen for some water that's it now what are you going to do to survive for that whole month out there in the wilderness by yourself well you're gonna have to create some results aren't you you're gonna have to go first of all find some water because if you don't get water within two days you're gonna be dead so you got to go find a good clean source of water make sure that it's actually clean if you find a bad source of water and drink it you're going to die within a few days if you don't find water you're going to die within a few days so there's just that then you're gonna start to go hungry so you have to go and hunt using your rifle now you got actually learn how to shoot the rifle you actually learn got to learn how to sneak up on animals find the animals in the wilderness because it's not like animals are just running around and waiting for you to shoot them you got to spot them first track them down and then after you shoot them you got to clean them up make sure they're edible you got a user knife to skin the animal got to cook it somehow got to start a fire somehow right and you don't just how to do that once but you got to keep doing that consistently in fact you got to probably shoot half a dozen animals a day in order to feed yourself just for that one day because hunting requires a lot of expenditure of energy so that's just the basics there but then you also need shelter so you've got to build yourself some kind of shelter make sure that it's not getting like overheated by the heat by the Sun so it's not getting too cold at night and you got to manage all of that and you got to be actually creating a certain result because in the wilderness if you're not getting the result then basically you're dead something's going to kill you at some point now it was easier to be in touch with that ten thousand years ago than it is now because nowadays if you just kind of let yourself go Society will kind of take care of you and even in the worst case scenario like a bum on the street who doesn't have a place to live still you know they have a lot of luxuries these days that you wouldn't have ten thousand years ago so that's one problem right the other interesting fast this is that I find that there's this interesting dynamic going on here of why people are not good results makers and it's because they don't hold their own feet to the fire of reality that's what I call it so what I noticed in myself especially when I was younger is that I would come up with cool ideas and dreams for like a business that I want to start or how my career is gonna go or for how I'm gonna earn a lot of money or travel somewhere do some cool thing so I would you know have these ambitions but then what would happen is that I would spend a lot of time thinking about this and planning it all out but that was like me living in my little bubble my fantasy bubble it wasn't connected to reality anyway my feet weren't getting held to the fire reality then what happened is I was getting older and older and older and I started to get out of college and I started to actually have to go into the job market find myself a real job actually start paying my bills that sort of thing all the sudden it's like oh now the rubber meets the road and now all my dreams are suddenly shattered and thrown out the window because there's no way they could work in real life because now what happens is that the bubble like touches the edge of reality and when it does that usually bursts because the bubble is not strong enough and so what has to happen is they have to kind of scramble and you start to think oh [ __ ] how do I get readapt my beliefs and my dreams and my ambitions to actually what will work in the real world because you try to get something to actually work in the real world you discover like oh well the marketplace doesn't want this project that I was dreaming up no one wants to buy it or it's like well I thought I could charge a thousand dollars for it and it turns out that people don't even want to pay fifty dollars for it turns out people don't even want it for free oh I didn't anticipate that oh that's how markets actually work [ __ ] what am I going to do now and now you have to scramble and the interesting psychological dynamic here is that it's emotionally disturbing and uncomfortable for us to have our bubbles popped we don't like it we like to live in Fantasyland and so what a lot of people do I suspect is that they live in Fantasyland but then they never ground themselves because this grounding process it doesn't just happen once you have to keep doing it again and again and again and again and this is what a really good results maker is able to do is he's able to hold his own feet to the fire whereas the other people what they are is they're just dreamers there are dreamers and they're big talkers and they talk a lot of [ __ ] but they don't actually get anything accomplished and I think that one of my personal strengths is that I am results oriented and for me this happened actually there was like a shift in my life when this happened because I used to be very big dreamer throughout middle school and high school and as a college and then was after college you know I had to get very serious had to start going off on my own leave the family nest um and this shift happened psychologically within me where I kind of had to bite the bullet and tell myself [ __ ] if I want these dreams to actually get accomplished if I really value my dreams then that means I have to be willing to do what's necessary to be done and that's usually dirty work I have to be willing to get into the mud get myself dirty in order to translate the dream into reality and that translation process that's a very messy dirty emotionally difficult thing to undertake because what has to happen is first of all you have to be flexible enough to relinquish a lot of your fantasies and beliefs because here's the cool thing about reality is that reality doesn't change for you you got to change for reality now there's really two options that you have one is you can come up with all these cool dreams and then when you try to implement them within reality you see that oh [ __ ] it's not working and then you have a choice you could say okay ah it's not working so let me just go and fantasize some more and forget about this whole thing of trying to make my dreams real let me just not do that it's kind of painful kind of unpleasant and uncomfortable I want to go through all that so that's one option that's the emotionally easy option then there's the emotionally difficult option which is to say and this is the mature option which is to say man I was really misguided about my understandings of reality I thought this thing would fly it's not gonna fly not even close [ __ ] let me go back to the drawing board let me think of a new idea let me not only just do that but also let me intro what kind of beliefs do I hold about the world which are making it impossible for me to make this project actually fly in the real world oh yeah I've got a couple of those beliefs I can see now how those beliefs are probably wrong but man I don't want to give up those beliefs oh man but I have to give up those beliefs if I want to make this work and so basically what happens is that you have to mature and you have to evolve and you have to let go of your old dogmas about the way you think things should work and then actually you have to be humble enough to let reality work on you this is what I call holding your feet to the fire of reality and it's an emotionally painful thing you know for me I discovered this when I started to to work within the video game industry and one thing I want is I want to create these cool games but you know creating cool games cost lots of money takes lots of work and when I quickly realizes that all my fancy ideas for games that I've been dreaming up for the last five or 10 years that a lot of those are not going to fly and I'm enough to make a lot of sacrifices to make some of those work right and that's when my face not just my feet but like my face got smashed into real and that was painful that was difficult um and it's um it's disillusioning right disillusioning when people tell you that oh I used to be idealistic like you but then you know reality showed up and now I have to have to lower my expectations lower my dreams and all that stuff well you could do that and some people they do is they just keep living in their fantasy bubbles and then they they don't actually admit to themselves that all the [ __ ] that they're fantasizing isn't getting translated into real results it's interesting because I talked about the Clare graves stages in my science versus religion video so if you watch that one then you know what I'm talking about here which is stage green stage green is a certain stereotype of people a certain level of a psychological development actually it's a pretty high level most people aren't even at green but the green stage is stereotyped as the hippie or the New Ager and what's interesting about these people is that they really have this sense of concern for the world right so their circle of concern increases so that they don't just care about themselves selfishly but now they care about other countries and societies and other people and even animals so that's a cool thing and also what happens is that they become empathizers they start actually caring and they have genuine concern about the emotions and feelings and suffering of other people right so these people usually are interested in like charitable causes like saving the whales and saving the polar bears and helping poor children Africa so right and that's a that's a good intention but one of the problems with this stage Green is that even though these people have really good intentions and they're very like idealistic and they want to come together and share ideas and they want to talk it out and they want to come up with a plan for how to live in harmony and in peace and so that everybody loves each other right they're not actually good results makers and so what happens in practice is that they come together sit in a circle and they sing Kumbaya and they talk about how everyone should live in peace and everyone should love each other and how we're going to save the environments and save the whales and do all this nice stuff but then in reality what happens is that you just have that moment of sitting in a circle and then everyone disperses goes home and nothing actually changes in the real world so they're not very good results makers are you that way in your life do you talk a lot of [ __ ] but then don't get anything done do you have a pedigree of creating results that's very important if you really want to create either success or even happiness you might think like well happiness doesn't depend on creating all these tangible results but actually it does and in fact you know these green hippy people who like to preach spirituality and how spiritual they are and who also are very big into relationships they also talk about you know how connected they are to everybody else and they very much value intimacy and relationships and communication well these things spirituality and relationships these are actually categories within which it takes serious results making to get good results it's one thing to talk about how you're going to have this loving relationship and then it's another totally different thing to actually have a loving relationship and to actually engineer that to design it to make it happen because a loving intimate relationship doesn't happen by accident that takes a lot of skill to develop that you need to develop yourself as a human being in order to be able to sustain a really high-quality intimate relationship and a lot of times these hippie people they might talk about relationships and how great they are but then in practice take a look at their lives and you see that oh man their relationships are [ __ ] or spirituality they might talk about how spiritual they are and yadda-yadda-yadda talk about chakras and energy and love and all these fancy spiritual concepts but then you actually take a look at them are they actually spiritually developed do they actually understand are they conscious of their own ego and all the illusions that are happening there and what you find is oftentimes they're not in fact what they're doing is they're using all this spiritual talk as a way to muddy the waters so that they can distract themselves from having to look at the fact that actually in reality they aren't spiritual at all this is what I mean by holding your feet to the fire what you need to do as a results maker if you want to really be a results maker and self actualized you need to bite this bullet at some point in your life and you got to save yourself man okay um I can't be one of these people who just dreams [ __ ] up and then doesn't make it happen I gotta bite the bullet on this and I actually I got to get humbled by reality like if reality wants to beat my face to a bloody pulp then I'm willing to take those hard knocks because that's worth it to me because I actually care about getting my dreams realized and then you actually got to take those knocks and pay that cost and what that might mean for you is giving up some of your very cherished beliefs that you're clean to or reconciling some of the issues you've got with money or the way that the economy works or the way politics works or the way that relationships actually work not your fantasy ideal of how love works and how everyone should love each other unconditionally because that [ __ ] doesn't happen in real life in an intimate relationship an intimate relationship is not unconditional love it's a very selfish kind of love it's really like a business negotiation is what it is but do you have the balls to admit that to yourself should hit that and then work within that and then transcend that that takes some real doing right and that requires a willingness on your part to take on the burden of expending emotional labor to make this stuff happen which is what most people are not willing to do so instead of talking a bunch of [ __ ] what I like from you is to actually do the things and ask yourself to get the real results that you want so if you're going to start a small business go start the business stop talking [ __ ] about it if you want to go earn more money and take care of your finances shut the [ __ ] up and go take care of your finances so that actually the numbers in your bank account are increasing that's the thing that you should be judging yourself on not how well you can talk or how well you can dream some [ __ ] up you know if you want to move to a new country when you actually move to that new country that's when it counts before then it's just a bunch of talk same thing with losing weight same thing with your relationships same thing with your happiness levels are you actually increasing your happiness levels are you just talking a bunch of [ __ ] enlightenment are you pursuing um are you really pursuing alignment or you just talking too much a [ __ ] about alignment you need to shut the [ __ ] up do less talking and more doing and when you do doing don't confuse just doing four results there's a very big difference between just doing stuff and getting results because you could do certain things that will never generate a result at all in fact a lot of people make this mistake a results maker makes this distinction very clear in his mind ifs I'm doing something and it's not jetting you're generating a result within a week or two I got to change that [ __ ] up so that I'm doing something else kind of change my approach can't get stuck a lot of people they get stuck in these cycles where they're just doing stuff they think it's going to produce something later and then it never produces anything and they don't want to change because change is emotionally difficult now let me make the counter point which is that some people might listen to this and say okay Willie oh you're really hammering on results but isn't there more to life than just results and the answer of course is yes there is more to life than just results so I don't want you to take my point here as being that you got to be now this neurotic results maker only focusing on results everywhere no but first what you got to do is I think you got to build a pedigree of creating results after you've done that and you've proven that you're a results maker and you've developed that discipline and that skill and those mindsets then you can kind of ease off the pedal and maybe sit back and just like meditate enjoy life a little bit don't be so results focused but I think for most people what they need more of is they need more of this results making mentality because the results making is usually the hard thing it's the emotionally difficult thing just sitting back and relaxing in a sense that can be emotionally difficult to to actually properly relax you know if like you're if you're a workaholic type who's always working his ass off then you probably actually have this opposite problem which is that you can't sit back and just relax and enjoy yourself so for you maybe you got to swing the pendulum the opposite way but for many people that's not the case so I'm not telling you here to become a workaholic necessarily you don't need to work yourself to death but you do need to develop this kind of mentality it's a mentality thing so with that said how do you actually do this let me give you a good juicy list here's how a results maker thinks so the first thing is that you actually have to value tangible results this is a mindset thing an attitude thing so for example if you're an employer and your employees are coming to you with stuff they're supposed to be doing for you right you have to be the one that actually sets the standard for tangible results being created if you're an employee right now well one thing you can do is again you can start to value tangible results are the people around you creating tangible results are you holding yourself to that standard of I got to create tangible results otherwise I'm not really doing anything that's the first thing the second thing is you actually have to create [ __ ] seems a bit crafts and oversimplified but it really is this simple are you a creator in your life or are you doing something else for me I'm creatively minded I'm also project minded what this means is I see my life as a series of projects that I'm working on and I find this is a very useful mindset for creating results because if you are like an average person who doesn't think about their life as a series of projects and instead just thinks of it like oh yeah I got my job and you know I'm just going to keep doing that while it pays me money and maybe later I'll get a new job and I'll just keep bouncing from job to job and just kind of survive that way if you're that kind of person you're gonna suck at generating results see the way I think about it is like this okay I got a project that's due six months from now I got to release this product if I create this product and I release this product then I'm going to go on and create the next product then maybe I'm going to go create this business then I'm going to you know start a new business two years after that and so on and so forth those projects are like specific tangible things I got to put out at the real world whether it's a website a blog a video a video course a set of audios a book I want to write or whatever that's how I think of my life is like in terms of these milestone projects which I want myself completing every six or 12 months or so right some of them are small or some of them are bigger but that's important start thinking of your life in terms of projects what are you actually creating in the next six months is it a tangible thing when it's a tangible thing that means you got to actually make it because then it's very clear in your mind that if you don't make it within the next six months you know you failed now if you never set that tangible thing in the first place then it's like well you can't even tell whether you failed or not because you had nothing you were working towards another point desire to impact people for me this is huge personally this is the reason why I want to be a results maker is because I want to actually change how people think and what they feel and I want to change the world to have an impact on the world you need to actually create something that is the impact so by definition you have to be a results maker if you want to create impact now for me that's because I actually want to change people or you know I want to change something whether it's creating a more beautiful piece of art or whether it's you know writing a cool blog post or creating a new video that's going to change someone's mind right the video has to be created in order for someone's mind to change someone's mind is not going to change just for me sitting and dreaming [ __ ] up most people though they don't care about impacting anyone all they want is they want a cushy life if all you want is a cushy life you're going to be terrible at making results because you really don't have a strong enough motivation to create results when you have a real valid reason to be creating work which is connected to your life purpose well then you can go out there and really make some strong result tap next point is something I call talk is cheap and it really is people tell me all the time all the [ __ ] they're going to do people will email me and you know tell me projects they want to collaborate with me on and hey Leo let's let's write a book together or let's do this or oh I want a sort of business or like oh I want you know I want to start this charity organization it's going to transform the world or I on a cure AIDS in Africa but all this is talk is just talk like one in a hundred people will be serious when they're telling you this stuff the other 99% are just Jokers just talking [ __ ] so in my mind what I've done a long time ago is I've just I've totally discounted talk when someone tells me they're going to do something in my mind it means nothing it's like empty just sounds sounds you're gonna do something don't tell me you going to do something go [ __ ] do it don't tell me you're gonna lose 20 pounds go lose the [ __ ] 20 pounds then come talk to me about it don't tell me you're going to write a book write the book then come show it to me then we can talk oftentimes talk is just a distraction from holding your feet to the fire another point is work for excellence value excellence for its own sake want to be putting out the best you can be putting out it's crazy to me because I work with contractors sometimes that help me do stuff for my business and I've worked with contractors for a long time and other businesses that I've had and basically you know they're they're either writing stuff form you're doing some coding or whatever tasks I have them do but then they submit their work in their work is just like this sloppy work now granted I don't always pay them that much to like be doing the beautiful most beautiful work ever but still it's like it's sloppy work you would be a shame to submit that kind of work to a boss or somebody it's just crap work no excellence is put into it it's like they don't value excellence if you don't value excellence then how can you be a strong results maker another point is take personal responsibility for making it happen whatever it is losing way starting a business and project at work you know earning more money for somebody whatever personal responsibility has to be taken you have to believe that it's your job nobody else is going to do it for you stop waiting for somebody else to lead you to show you the way to tell you what to do if there's some initiative at work that needs doing step up and do it take personal responsibility I always assume that if I don't get it done it'll never get done and no one will do it for me that's like my general operating principle for life whatever it is I have to do it sometimes I can even get a little neurotic where you know it's even difficult for me to work with other people because I just tend to assume that they're inherently unreliable because a lot of them are but you know there's still an art to finding reliable you can find reliable people so don't let that be a limiting belief another important point is working the big picture a results maker is powerful because he has a big picture high level understanding of what we're working towards and why we're working towards it there's like a purpose behind what he's doing he's not just doing some menial labor for somebody else just because he's going to get paid for it that's a terrible way to go about it instead it's like he can see from a thousand foot elevation what needs to be done why needs to be done I think that's another attribute that I have that some contributed to my success in life is that I'm always looking at the big picture why am I doing this how is this thing going to play into the next thing and how is that going to connect with my long-term vision for my life and for how I want to impact the world a lot of people don't think this way you have to start thinking that way the next point is work ethic you got to just build a strong work ethic and that's something that's lacking these days because again in modern society especially you know kids growing up these days we're so spoiled with all the [ __ ] that we get all the free entertainment and free this and free that everything's taken for granted just think back even a couple generations ago a hundred years ago when your great-grandparents were alive the kind of work ethics that people had then mind-blowing it's amazing sometimes I read books about you successful people in the past uh you know think about something like Benjamin Franklin or Nikola Tesla you know people that lived a couple hundred years ago of Thomas Edison uh Thomas Jefferson what these people were able to accomplish in their lives is amazing and they had to work through a lot more [ __ ] than we have to do these days it was a lot harder back then but they had these like incredible work ethics they were like work mules these guys um that's rare these days it's tough to develop that especially in our modern culture our culture is very much focused on spoiling us and making us comfortable and it really devalues work ethic so you have to go against the grain on this and you have to be willing to use brute force that's something I've always left open as an option is that if there's some result that I want to get to and I can see that I can just like brute force my way with work to get to that result then I'll just do it I'll gravitate towards doing it whereas what I see with some people is that it's like yes we could accomplish this goal by brute force but it's like oh well I don't want to brute force said like isn't there a shortcut isn't there some magic solution do I really have to sit there for five hours and just hammer on this thing until it gets done I don't want to do that and so what they say is yeah let me go look for another approach and then they never find that approach and they never get anything done now this is not to say again that you have to be a workaholic and work stupid no you work smart you don't want to be just working for works sake and doing a bunch of menial labor but if you can see that menial labor by doing it for a short period of time can get you to the next level then you have to be willing to go there and do it that's brute force next point sacrifice comfort a lot of times you've got to sacrifice some of your own personal comfort to generate some powerful result in life maybe you got to stay up late to finish writing this you know this book for the publishing milestone or maybe you got to skip your next vacation in order to do something and advance yourself well are you willing to do that or are you living life just for comfort if your life is lived for comfort then your life is going to actually vary ironically be a very miserable life because it's like this some it's like the self-serving you know ego indulgence it's like hedonism and hedonism counter-intuitively doesn't actually produce the greatest happiness so watch out for that next point which is a really important one you have to be willing to change yourself to get the result this right here is actually the whole foundation of actualized org if you realize it or not is that the reason we're growing and we're self actualizing is so that we could produce better results so that we could impact the world in a more powerful way that to me is the nutshell of it most people are not willing to do this most people they'll go as far as kind of getting up to their edge of their comfort zone and saying okay well this is the edge of what I could possibly do so that's it that's it I've maxed myself out know the real results maker what he does is he says well right now I'm only capable of going here but my result is like five steps beyond my current ability level so what I'm going to do is I'm going to transform my entire psyche as necessary to get those five steps extra that I can't get to right now whatever takes building skills reading books taking coaching seminars studying practicing research all that stuff not just that stuff that stuff is basic that's like a mandatory thing you've got to learn technical skills to get good at what you want to create I'm talking about even going further than that like dropping entire chunks of belief systems out of your world like deep psychological changes right changing how you view the entire cosmos your thoughts on God and on on physics and on science all this [ __ ] I found has to be changed in order to really become an amazing results maker and it's hard for most people to see that why are these changes necessary right these changes seem so deep and so abstract and so loosely connected to being able to generate practical results but for me it's all interconnected for example if you're a very dogmatic person if you're not able to be very open minded you're going to have a difficult time generating the best results you possibly can and most people are so dogmatic they don't even understand what the word Dogma means and they will deny their their dogmas till they're deaf to me this is ridiculous right because like like I said a long time ago I made a decision that I'm going to align myself with reality no matter what the emotional cost is to me I'm not going to try to preserve my ego and make myself more comfortable I'm going to align myself with the harshest truths that are out there because I know that that's going to eventually pay off really big for me and it has and it's going to continue to I just have like a that's like one of my founding principles by which I live life which I think that most people don't do I'm kind of surprised by it honestly next point throw yourself into demanding situations there's nothing like just throwing yourself launching yourself outside your comfort zone think about a military boot camp this is exactly what it is you take some soft new recruits throw them into a couple of months of brutal intense boot camp training and all the sudden they come out soldiers in the end and what happens that process is that their psyche just gets shell-shocked into transforming right he's like a total shock to your system and you have so much emotional pressure on you some people break down some people lose it some people can't handle it but then those that do survive the process they come out much stronger and that's what you got to do in your life so if you're living that easy comfortable life and you have been for the last five or ten years how about throwing yourself into a demanding situation such as moving to a new country um you know launching yourself into a new relationship starting a new business or whatever else you can think of like that next point be around exceptional people if you surround yourself with mediocre people who are not generating any results in life then you will assimilate their attitudes and mindsets and you will think that that's that's normal whereas if you're a results maker what you do is you actually want to distance yourself from those people surround yourself with out the results makers and then what happens is that those results makers bring you up to their level because if you're friends with a person who's able to generate incredible results use her to see that oh [ __ ] I didn't even know it was possible to generate results of that caliber and if that guy could do it maybe I could do it too and if this guy could do it and if that guy could do it then I could probably do it too it raises up your expectations of yourself important the next point is and I just touched on this but starting your own business I think that nothing holds your feet to the fire more than starting your own business and seeing the harsh cutthroat and brutal realities of the marketplace because when you first start your own business you have these you know fancy business ideas but then what happens is then you write up let's say you write up this cool nifty business plan and what happens is you actually go and you try to implement it and it all goes to [ __ ] none of it works no one's willing to pay you a dime your marketing doesn't work here you know you're not able to attract a single client no one's interested in your stuff even for free they don't care and then that's when you have that real big eye-opener it's like oh [ __ ] I really don't understand how the marketplace works my understanding of the marketplace is so childish it has to really mature and that's where your feet get just burned on that fire and that burning that's a good thing see most people when they feel that burn they don't like it it's not comfortable to them so they run away and they feel like oh the burn is bad but actually the secret to life is that the burn is good you have to train yourself to love that burn in a kind of masochistic sadistic sort of way right just don't take it over the top for me starting my own business was really big that was the point where I really took on the challenge bit the bullet and said okay um I'm gonna figure it out somehow and I'm gonna take full responsibility right and the stakes were so high that I had to figure it out because literally and I left my 95 job and then what happened was that if if I was going to be earning money if I wasn't going to be able to attract the clients and actually get dollars in my bank account then I would be homeless within a relatively brief period of time so that really lit a fire under my ass and the stakes were high and when the stakes are that high then what happens that you usually your ego relents and it surrenders and it says okay I'll change myself to live I'll change myself to live so take that leap if you really want to master results making in the last point I'm going to say is think about your death it's a little odd think about your death how does that help you be a results maker well for me very directly in fact I find myself thinking about my own death on a daily basis nowadays like just randomly thinking about my own death how I'm going to die like maybe I'll get killed by a meteor landing and smashing into the earth tomorrow and I won't even wake up to know I'll just burn away or some nuclear war starts while I'm asleep and then I never even wake up to see it to me this is important because it shows me how little time I have to get [ __ ] done I don't have eternity a very short window within which to make my results happen so this makes me focused on generating results right my own death this is something that most people don't do is they don't they don't really think about this stuff in fact they actively try to distract themselves from thinking about their own death so that they can pretend that they have forever to live and then you know when they think that they have forever to live they don't do anything they piss away all their time piss away their youth and then when they're old and you know in their 60s and 70s then they start with all the regrets and all the [ __ ] that they should have done when they were younger and yadda-yadda we know how it works right don't fall into that trap think about your death often so that you're reminded of how little time you actually have so that's my list the point in all this and what I want you to take away from this video is simply that you need to get off your ass now if you've been falling into this rut of watching a lot of actualized Org videos thinking that they're making you smarter and cooler and and all this stuff stop that [ __ ] take action on the things I'm telling you every video you should be thinking about how can I take action on it and your ratio of watching my videos to taking action should be like 10 to 1 10 times action taking one part watching a video write whatever you want what is it a career more money relationship happiness meditate better decide the result that you want make a project out of it get off your ass start doing it hold your feet to the fire feel that burn and learn to love that burn and also I think you should check out my life purpose course which I just released because this course is all about how to get the most important piece of this puzzle together for you life purpose talk about being a results maker if you can find your life purpose and apply the principles that I talk about in so much depth in this course over 20 hours of content I think it's getting above 25 hours now actually over 200 gigabytes over 90 videos I'm going to keep expanding that into the future if you start applying this stuff in your life and taking action on it you're going to become one of the most extraordinary results makers in your life that you know in your whole circle of acquaintances and friends right and the [ __ ] you're going to be able to achieve and the satisfaction you're going to get from being able to achieve it is going to be remarkable it's really the pinnacle of life is getting there and I want you to get there so there's so much material there go check it out maybe you're interested in it can help you to launch yourself into the next level all right I'm Leo I'm signing off that's it for this one post me your comments down below click the like button please share this video with a friend and then come check out actualize that or get a free newsletter there other exclusive stuff you can find on the website you can find a life purpose course there you can find my book list there so a lot of resources if you're really serious about getting some strong results in your life come check it out I'll see you soon you